This post is the beginning of a new series I’d like to start writing about design trends and movements. Candy minimalism has exploded in the art and design world since Matt Crump began posting his sweet creations on Instagram. He has since created a features account, @candyminimal, where he reposts the standouts of the hundreds of #candyminimal style photos published daily.

11336088_433056330216962_1985194482_nObviously, key elements of this trend are the colors and saturation as well as minimalism (hence the name). To achieve this kind of look in your own photos, try out these tips:

  • Look up. Cropping out the busy streets or the façades of boring buildings give you more negative sky space and room to play with color.
  • Play with the composition. Really consider the shapes formed by the negative spaces and what’s left in the image to create a truly compelling snapshot.
  •  Choose your colors carefully. Evaluate the subject matter of your photo and think about the colors that would compliment the content well.
  • Details matter. While the focus is minimalist, interesting textures found in architectural structures or plants can add depth to your compositions.
  • Edit your photos! There are tons of apps that are helpful in editing your own #candyminimal photos. Check out Diptic, PicTapGo, AfterLight, VSCOcam, Touch Retouch, ArtStudio, Tangent, Mextures, and of course, Instagram.

Apart from Matt Crump, there are dozens of other successful candy minimalists out there. Check out some of my favorites below.


Gotta love all the eye candy! Let me know if you use any of the tips or apps mentioned above to make your own #candyminimal creations on Instagram.
